After the war and the short period of Art Deco jewelry here is the Retro period. It is also the full period of modernism in architecture and decorative arts. Platinum disappeared from the frames. The jewelry is loaded with large stones, yellow gold has the beautiful part. Cocktail rings appeared on the hands. We go up in height and jewelers make more imposing pieces. Bracelets and tank rings inspired by tanks are in fashion in the 40s and 50s.
And then here are the 60s, place to color, to emancipation. Gold is dripping, it’s the return of sapphires and rubies in the sets. Artists start to make jewelry, Dali creates a whole collection. In this second half of the 20th century new materials are tried: plexiglass, resin, bakelite, metal, wood… The jewels of the 20th century are extremely rich in forms and styles. There is bound to be one to please you.