19th century jewelry
This category includes jewelry from the 19th century and the Napoleon III period. You will find pieces from the First Empire, the Restoration and the Napoleon III period. In England, we more simply distinguish between the Georgian period (early 19th century) and the Victorian period (late 19th century). Jewelry from the second half of the 19th century is often rich in decoration and intended for an elite.
The opening of the Premier mine in South Africa (later named Cullinan, after the discovery of the world's largest rough diamond) brought this precious stone to the bourgeoisie. This period also saw an abundance of enamelled jewellery. Sentimental jewellery was very important in the 19th century, whether as a memento of a loved one or a deceased one. Often bearing inscriptions or personal symbols, these jewels Old jewelry sometimes includes hair or even baby teeth. Souvenir or mourning jewelry from the Napoleon III era, in yellow gold and black stones (onyx, jet), are also representative of this period.
In the context of love, hidden messages, flaming hearts, locks of hair or names are frequently found, accompanied by words like "friendship" or pansy flowers, symbolizing "Think of me". The richness of this era is reflected in the selection of 19th century jewelry from Maison Mohs.