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Ruby rings

Ruby is a rare stone that is highly valued in jewelry, ruby rings are often noticed because their color, ranging from pink to red, is unique in the world of gemstones. Ruby is a fairly hard stone (9/10 on the Mohs scale), which allows it to be worn in any circumstance. However, you will always be advised to avoid chemicals, heat and prolonged contact with water.

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15 products


Bague rubis birman en orAntique Burmese ruby diamond ring

2.29ct Burmese Ruby Marquise Ring

Sale price€9.700,00
Ruby diamond ring in goldRuby diamond cluster ring in white gold

Vintage ruby diamond ring

Sale price€2.200,00
Art Deco gold ruby ringbague art deco en or et platine

Oval Art Deco ring

Sale price€450,00
alliance americaine rubisRuby eternity ring in gold

Eternity ruby wedding ring

Sale price€770,00
Vintage Augis ringVintage augis ring

Vintage Augis ring

Sale price€820,00
band rubis ring in goldVictorian ruby ring

Victorian ruby ring

Sale price€500,00
Retro ruby tank ringgrosse bague tank en or

Tank ruby ring

Sale price€2.000,00
Ruby diamond platinum ringdiamond ruby ring in gold
Patriotic stackable ring in goldbague patriotique en or

Patriotic blue-white-red rings

Sale price€500,00
Patriotic marquise ringbague saphir rubis et diamants

Patriotic marquise ring

Sale price€1.600,00
old mine cut diamond ruby ringruby diamond ring from the seventies

Marguerite diamond ruby ring

Sale price€2.000,00
bridal ruby diamond ringwedding ruby diamond ring

Cluster ruby diamond ring

Sale price€2.100,00
bague fiançailles rubis diamantsbague de fiançailles en or et argent

Ruby diamond marquise ring

Sale price€1.800,00
scroll tank ring in goldbague tank rouleau en or 18k

Tank ruby diamond scroll ring

Sale price€1.450,00
bague fleur rose Wendy Yue jade maw sit sit en orPink Jade Cocktail Ring

Pink Jade Cocktail Ring

Sale price€3.200,00