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Cameo jewelry

This category includes intaglios and cameos, jewels steeped in history, once used as seals or adorning men's rings. The intaglio, engraved in reverse relief, has its origins in ancient Rome, where it was used to seal official documents. On the other hand, cameos feature images carved in bas-relief on fine and decorative stones such as agate, carnelian, onyx and shell.

Highly prized in the 18th and 19th centuries, antique cameos were symbols of prestige and refinement. Among the most famous, the cameo set of Empress Joséphine, made by Eugène-Marie Nitot in 1809, is an emblematic piece of jewelry from the First Empire. Today, intaglios and cameos continue to seduce collectors and lovers of antique jewelry.

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5 products


Louis Zorra scarab broochLouis Zorra scarab brooch

Louis Zorra scarab brooch

Sale price€1.800,00
Cameo tie pin in goldepingle camée biscuit

Cameo biscuit porcelain tie pin

Sale price€320,00
swivel egyptian pendant goldpendentif scarabée lion egyptien en or

Egyptian scarab pendant

Sale price€960,00
epingle intaille ancienne en or cornalineIntaglio tie pin in gold

Intaglio carnelian soldier Pin

Sale price€210,00
Gold and bronze cameo ringbague camée pour homme or et bronze

Antique cameo ring gold and bronze

Sale price€1.100,00