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Stud earrings

Stud earrings are a type of very short earrings, which do not hang over the lobe. They are secured with a butterfly or screw clasp. Stud earrings first appeared in the 19th century. They can be only in gold or set with stones. We find stud earrings in the shape of flowers, animals or geometric shapes.

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4 products


clous d'oreille diamant platinediamond stud earrings in gold

Platinum diamond stud earrings

Sale price€750,00
Egyptian stud earringsscarab stud earrings in gold

Egyptian scarab ear stud

Sale price€390,00
boucles d'oreille anciennes diamantspuces d'oreille en diamants

Cluster diamond stud earrings

Sale price€630,00
Puces oreille diamants or et argentclou-oreille-diamant-or-argent