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Vintage brooches

Vintage brooches is a category that includes all brooches from the second half of the 10th century. Second hand brooches, Retro brooches, contemporary brooches. The vintage brooches are less than 50 years old, they are coming back today. It is worn on jacket lapels, hats, coats.

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4 products


Jade diamond pendant broochJade diamond pendant brooch

Jade diamond pendant brooch

Sale price€2.800,00
Broche Raymond Templier en argentBroche signée Raymond Templier

Raymond Templier brooch

Sale price€1.500,00
Broche clip de revers saphirsClip brooch in gold from Louis Heissler

Retro French sapphire lapel clip

Sale price€2.300,00
Lapel clip brooch in gold and platinumAquamarine clip lapel in gold

Aquamarine clip brooch

Sale price€3.000,00