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Animal jewelry

For centuries, animal jewelry has fascinated with its symbolism. Whether snake rings or necklaces to symbolize eternity or butterfly brooches embodying transformation, these creations reveal a deep connection with nature. In the Victorian era, snake or bee jewelry was a testament to love or power. In Art Nouveau jewelry, mythological animals such as the dragon or the chimera, as well as insects, were sublimated by materials such as enamel, pearls and precious stones. Good luck jewelry such as elephant pendants for longevity, ladybugs for luck or pigs for prosperity were also very popular. Panther bracelets, made famous by Cartier, or lion rings, still evoke power and elegance today.

Discover our selection of antique animal jewelry, where symbolism and know-how meet.

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12 products


pendentif cochon porte bonheur en orcharm cochon porte bonheur

Lucky pig charm pendant

Sale price€480,00
Louis Zorra scarab broochLouis Zorra scarab brooch

Louis Zorra scarab brooch

Sale price€1.800,00
Bracelet en or Napoléon IIIGold butterfly bangle bracelet
swivel egyptian pendant goldpendentif scarabée lion egyptien en or

Egyptian scarab pendant

Sale price€960,00
Collier saint esprit en orCollier saint esprit napoléon III

Victorian Holy Spirit pendant

Sale price€780,00
Vintage Charms braceletCharms gold bracelet

Vintage Charms bracelet

Sale price€7.200,00
bracelet tigres gay frèresBracelet tigres en or

Gay Freres tigers bracelet

Sale price€5.800,00
pendentif religieux chrétien en orEnamelled swiss locket pendant

Enameled Swiss antique locket

Sale price€1.300,00
plique a jour enamel taurus pendant in goldpendentif plique a jour Arthus
bague serpent ancienne en ordiamond gold snake ring

Victorian double snake ring

Sale price€1.300,00
Horse Essex crystal ring in goldbague cheval en or 18k

Essex crystal horse ring

Sale price€770,00
bague épagneul breton en ordog hunter portrait ring victorian male jewelry