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Jewelry before 19th century

Jewellery dating from before the 19th century is both rare and precious. Often fragile, it is exceptional to find them in perfect condition. At that time, the know-how in lapidary work and metal processing were not yet fully perfected. Diamonds, cut in rose or table, adorn these jewels of yesteryear. Although they have an undeniable charm, they do not have the brilliance of the brilliant-cut diamonds of our contemporary era.

There are also enameled jewels, as well as pieces with revolutionary connotations or political messages (seditious or patriotic jewels). Men often wore portraits of the political figures they supported on their fingers, while some rings hid secret mechanisms, such as poison rings. These pre-19th century jewels arouse great interest among collectors and historians, offering a valuable insight into past eras.

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9 products


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Georgian iberian cluster ring

Sale price€1.700,00
iberian gold earrings Boucles d'oreille espagnoles anciennes

Georgian iberian diamond earrings

Sale price€1.500,00
Antique dutch wedding ringDutch flower diamond ring

Antique cluster diamond ring

Sale price€1.250,00
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Georgian reliquary locket pendantMédaillon nacre miniature sur vélin

Antique reliquary locket pendant

Sale price€1.800,00
bague portrait diamantantique georgian portrait diamond ring

Georgian diamond portrait ring

Sale price€2.300,00
bague verre jaune en or 14kgeorgian paste gold ring

Georgian paste ring

Sale price€680,00
Puces oreille diamants or et argentclou-oreille-diamant-or-argent
bague pivotante en orbague ancienne pivotante pensée

Georgian portrait swivel ring

Sale price€1.150,00