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Vintage jewelry

In the ideal definition, “vintage jewelry” refers to jewelry that is less than 100 years old. They are considered “antique” or “antiques” when they are older. Since the Art Deco, Modernist or Retro periods already have their own terms, at Maison Mohs, we have decided that “vintage” for the last 60 years is already quite good. In this section, you will therefore find jewelry created in the second half of the 20th century. When possible, we specify the decade of manufacture.

Vintage jewelry has the advantage of being offered at more affordable prices than new or old jewelry. It is in this category that you can find gems between €150 and €1,000. Browse our selection to find the one that will enhance your hand, ears or neck.

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72 products


Jade diamond pendant broochJade diamond pendant brooch

Jade diamond pendant brooch

Sale price€2.800,00
chaine ancienne en orchaine en or 18k

Oval link gold chain

Sale price€940,00
Aquamarine diamond cluster ringAquamarine diamond cluster ring

Aquamarine diamond cluster ring

Sale price€1.650,00
bague émeraude diamant en orEmerald diamond cluster ring

Emerald cluster ring 2.61 cts

Sale price€4.700,00
Bague rubis birman en orAntique Burmese ruby diamond ring

2.29ct Burmese Ruby Marquise Ring

Sale price€9.700,00
pre-owned chain in goldchaine vintage en or

Fine curb chain

Sale price€290,00
Lapis lazuli drop earringsLapis lazuli drop earrings

Lapis lazuli drop earrings

Sale price€1.500,00
clip d'oreille mabe en or Gold pearl clip earrings

Pearl diamond clip earring

Sale price€850,00
Vintage Curb chainVintage Curb chain

Vintage Curb chain

Sale price€380,00
Ruby diamond ring in goldRuby diamond cluster ring in white gold

Vintage ruby diamond ring

Sale price€2.200,00
Engagement 2.40 ct diamond ringEngagement 2.40 ct diamond ring

Engagement 2.40 ct diamond ring

Sale price€9.000,00
bague jade diamant en orbague jade diamant en or 18k

Vintage Jade diamond ring

Sale price€1.200,00
alliance americaine rubisRuby eternity ring in gold

Eternity ruby wedding ring

Sale price€770,00
Collier perles de culture en chuteCultured pearl necklace
Pendentif augis en orPendentif Augis en or

Augis medium love medal

Sale price€820,00
bague cocktail tourmalines diamantsTourmaline diamond ring

Green tourmaline diamond ring

Sale price€880,00
chaine en or 18kchaine gourmette en or

Vintage long gold chain

Sale price€460,00
Chaine en or blancwhite gold chain

White gold curb chain

Sale price€600,00
Egyptian stud earringsscarab stud earrings in gold

Egyptian scarab ear stud

Sale price€390,00
bague chevalière onyxGold signet man ring

Large signet onyx ring

Sale price€1.260,00
clips oreille émail bressanclips oreille émail en argent

Bressan enamel silver ear clips

Sale price€150,00
Vintage Augis ringVintage augis ring

Vintage Augis ring

Sale price€820,00
diamond square cufflinks in goldsquare cufflinks in gold

Square diamond cufflinks

Sale price€750,00
Bague saphir diamant en orArt Deco style 0.30ct diamond ring
large gold bracelet with hematiteHematite and gold meshes bracelet

Large vintage ceramic bracelet

Sale price€3.400,00
white gold diamond ringVintage diamond wedding ring

Vintage diamond swirl ring

Sale price€1.500,00
Chaine en or 18Kgold chain

Gold Notched ring

Sale price€870,00
Vintage Charms braceletCharms gold bracelet

Vintage Charms bracelet

Sale price€7.200,00
bracelet tigres gay frèresBracelet tigres en or

Gay Freres tigers bracelet

Sale price€5.800,00
Patriotic stackable ring in goldbague patriotique en or

Patriotic blue-white-red rings

Sale price€500,00
Ballon de rugby en orPendentif ballon de rugby en or

Rugby ball pendant

Sale price€140,00
Pendentif ballon de foot en or 9kLittle football pendant in gold

Flat soccer pendant

Sale price€60,00
pendentif sportif en orPendentif planche à voile en or

Windsurfer gold pendant

Sale price€300,00
Pendentif passion sport baseballMédaille en argent osaka

Antique baseball medal

Sale price€130,00
Pendentif vintage ballon basketBasketball pendant in silver

Basketball pendant

Sale price€50,00
Vintage emerald diamond ringBague de style Art Deco diamants émeraudes
diamond garnet ring in white goldbague grenat mandarin diamant en or

Mandarin garnet ring

Sale price€3.200,00
Bracelet semainier d'occasion en or 18kpre-owned gold semainier bracelet bangle

Vintage Weekly Bracelet

Sale price€3.600,00
diamond seven sins ring in goldbague 7 péchés mauboussin en or

Mauboussin ring 7 sins of you

Sale price€700,00
Bague trilogie diamant perlesbague moderne diamants et perles en or

Diamond pearl trilogy ring

Sale price€1.300,00
Antique gold beads pearls necklaceCollier moderne graine d'or

Gold beads necklace

Sale price€4.300,00
bague diamants chrysoprases en orVintage chrysoprase diamond ring
alliance américaine en or diamantsDiamond band eternity ring in gold

Eternity diamond band

Sale price€1.300,00
antique silver cufflinkspaire de boutons de manchette pour homme

Vintage cufflinks

Sale price€150,00
bague jonc saphir en orbague saphit 1 carat en or

Sapphire bangle ring

Sale price€2.000,00
Pendentif vintage topaze bleue en orStern pendant in gold

Stern topaz pendant

Sale price€700,00
bracelet style hermes en or18k gold chain bracelet

Vintage flexible bracelet

Sale price€2.000,00
old mine cut diamond ruby ringruby diamond ring from the seventies

Marguerite diamond ruby ring

Sale price€2.000,00