If brooches had their great period of glory, it is true that it has disappeared a little from our coats and jackets in recent years. And yet here they are again, the vintage brooches that are pinned on the caps, jackets, lapels of these gentlemen. Small and discreet or large and imposing, it is a jewel that offers multiple forms and asserts the character of its owner. It will be the key element of the suit of these gentlemen, finished the small pocket it is the turn of the vintage brooches to be under the spotlight.
Ladies, don’t worry: you too, wheat or flower sprays, rosettes, enamelled gold and stones, all brooches can adorn your outfits and complete your adornments. What could be prettier on a winter wool coat or on the lapel of a blazer jacket? Vintage brooches bring you style, and are sure to get noticed.