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Antique white gold jewelry

Our collection of antique white gold jewelry takes you into a world of timeless elegance. Each piece tells a unique story, blending the charm of the past with modern sophistication.

Whether you're looking for a special gift or a precious addition to your personal collection, our white gold jewelry will captivate your heart and enhance your style.

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47 products


Jade diamond pendant broochJade diamond pendant brooch

Jade diamond pendant brooch

Sale price€2.800,00
Art deco ring in platinumBague art deco en platine

Art Deco ring with diamonds

Sale price€1.300,00
Collier rubis diamant en orArt Deco negligee necklace
Lapis lazuli drop earringsLapis lazuli drop earrings

Lapis lazuli drop earrings

Sale price€1.500,00
clip d'oreille mabe en or Gold pearl clip earrings

Pearl diamond clip earring

Sale price€850,00
Ruby diamond ring in goldRuby diamond cluster ring in white gold

Vintage ruby diamond ring

Sale price€2.200,00
bague jade diamant en orbague jade diamant en or 18k

Vintage Jade diamond ring

Sale price€1.200,00
Save €200,00Vintage tennis diamond braceletVintage tennis diamond bracelet

Vintage tennis diamond bracelet

Sale price€4.700,00 Regular price€4.900,00
puces oreille diamant 1.18 ctWhite gold stud earrings set with 1ct diamonds

Vintage Diamond Stud Earrings

Sale price€2.200,00
bague cocktail tourmalines diamantsTourmaline diamond ring

Green tourmaline diamond ring

Sale price€880,00
clous d'oreille diamant platinediamond stud earrings in gold

Platinum diamond stud earrings

Sale price€750,00
bague diamant émeraudes en platineBague cible art deco en platine

Art Deco emerald diamond ring

Sale price€1.900,00
Chaine en or blancwhite gold chain

White gold curb chain

Sale price€600,00
Bague saphir diamant en orArt Deco style 0.30ct diamond ring
dormeuses diamants 0.20 ct0.20ct diamond earrings

Art Deco drop diamond earrings

Sale price€1.600,00
white gold diamond ringVintage diamond wedding ring

Vintage diamond swirl ring

Sale price€1.500,00
Médaille A.Augis en orAugis love medal in gold

Medium-sized Augis Love medal

Sale price€860,00
Vintage emerald diamond ringBague de style Art Deco diamants émeraudes
diamond garnet ring in white goldbague grenat mandarin diamant en or

Mandarin garnet ring

Sale price€3.200,00
diamond seven sins ring in goldbague 7 péchés mauboussin en or

Mauboussin ring 7 sins of you

Sale price€700,00
bague diamant or blancdiamond cluster ring in gold

Diamond flower ring

Sale price€950,00
Art Deco pearl ringArt deco pearl ring in gold

Art Deco pearl ring

Sale price€750,00
broche art deco perles finesArt deco diamond pearl brooch in platinum

Art Deco diamonds pearl brooch

Sale price€590,00
Bague trilogie diamant perlesbague moderne diamants et perles en or

Diamond pearl trilogy ring

Sale price€1.300,00
bague diamants chrysoprases en orVintage chrysoprase diamond ring
art deco garnet ringbague grenats en or

Art Deco garnet ring

Sale price€500,00
Art deco clip brooch with diamondsArt deco diamond clip brooch

Diamond Art Deco clip brooch

Sale price€2.000,00
Gold art deco necklaceGold necklace Art Deco

Art Deco gold necklace

Sale price€850,00
old mine cut diamond ruby ringruby diamond ring from the seventies

Marguerite diamond ruby ring

Sale price€2.000,00
Art Deco diamond ringWedding ring in platinum

Art Deco diamond ring

Sale price€900,00
Three-strand pearl necklacepearls necklace with a diamond clasp

Three-strand pearl necklace

Sale price€1.900,00
bague soltiaire diamant or blancSolitaire diamond 0.70 ct ring

Solitaire diamond 0.70 ct ring

Sale price€2.700,00
bague diamants tank en or et platineTank coral diamond ring 

Tank coral diamond ring 

Sale price€2.200,00
art deco style wedding ringbague diamant baguette en or

Art Deco style diamond ring

Sale price€4.200,00
gold navette diamond ringbague marquise vintage en or

Navette diamond ring

Sale price€880,00
Epingle homme onyx en platineepingle jabot art deco onyx diamants

Art Deco onyx jabot pin

Sale price€2.000,00
gold cufflinks modern jewelryantique modernist cufflinks in gold

Vintage gold cufflinks

Sale price€470,00
bridal ruby diamond ringwedding ruby diamond ring

Cluster ruby diamond ring

Sale price€2.100,00
bague bandeau diamantsbague diamant en or

Vintage diamond band ring

Sale price€750,00
pre-owned topaze ringpre-owned blue topaz diamond ring

Topaz and diamond ring

Sale price€460,00
art deco turquoise ring in gold and platinumbague art deco turquoise platine

Art Deco turquoise ring 

Sale price€600,00
sapphire wedding ring in goldbague de fiançailles saphirs de madagascar

Art Deco style sapphire ring

Sale price€5.900,00
Art Deco style diamond ringbague Art Deco fiançailles

Art Deco style diamond ring

Sale price€1.680,00
diamond signet ring in goldchevalière verdelette diamants en or blanc

Diamond and tourmaline signet ring

Sale price€1.200,00
bague de mariage en or blanc et diamants taille en rosevintage diamond cluster ring in white gold rose cut diamonds

Diamond flower ring

Sale price€830,00
marquise belle epoque ring gold 18kantique diamond scroll ring gold

Belle Epoque diamond ring

Sale price€1.830,00
bague art deco or blanc BoivinArt deco diamond ring in white gold

Art Deco diamond ring

Sale price€1.360,00