Article: What You Didn't Know About Gemstones

What You Didn't Know About Gemstones
Some surprising truths about gemstones:
"Precious stones" don't exist: In French legislation, the terms "precious stone" or "semi-precious" are grouped under the single term "gemstones" to align with the nomenclature of the International Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO), which does not make a distinction.
The ruby is a sapphire: Yes, the ruby is actually a red sapphire. It has the same composition, with the only difference being its color. Its rarity and intense, unique color have earned it a separate name: ruby.
Sapphires come in all colors: Say goodbye to the preconceived notion that a sapphire is only blue. Most gemstones are "allochromatic," meaning they can be found in various shades: yellow sapphire, orange sapphire (Padparadscha), purple sapphire, green sapphire, pink sapphire, and more. This also applies to other allochromatic gems like diamonds, topaz, and tourmaline, among others.
Opals have beautiful light play: Not always! It's important to differentiate between noble opals, which have light play like Harlequin Opal, Black Opal from Australia, and Fire Opal, and common opals, which have little to no light play. In France, we boast the Quincy Opal. You can also find dendritic opals, Cat's Eye Opals, Cacholong opals, etc.
An emerald is always clear and transparent: No. An emerald is rarely clear and without inclusions (unless you're very lucky). Most emeralds are filled with small inclusions composed of water, due to their hydrothermal origin in chromium-rich veins (giving them their color) and beryllium (giving them their structure). These inclusions are poetically called "Emerald Gardens."
Explore our guide to materials and stones for more insights.