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Article: The Turquoise

La Turquoise

The Turquoise

Turquoise is a beautiful opaque blue stone, sometimes blue-green to green.


Turquoise gets its name from Turkey, the country where it was thought to be mined. It was later learned that it came from Iran, Turkey being at the crossroads between East and West, it was in fact the center of resale of Turquoises to Westerners.


Turquoise has been used in the most beautiful jewelry since Antiquity, particularly in Egypt where it was mined in the Sinai mines.


The most beautiful Turquoises therefore come from Iran, near Nishapur. They are a deep sky blue given by their composition rich in copper. Later, in the 19th century, Persian Turquoises became rare, so people turned to the Southwest of the United States for supplies. American Turquoises contain more impurities, they are traversed by black and brown veins of matrix (their mother rock).



Turquoise's color can vary over time, from blue to a nuanced green. As it is a stone composed of water molecules, it shows green nuances when it dehydrates.


Completely dehydrated, it is called "dead Turquoise", it becomes khaki to spinach green and tarnishes somewhat, but this does not take away from its charm for stone lovers.



Maintenance advice: avoid humid environments and acidic products.


Fashion tip: Antique and modern jewelry adorned with Turquoise are the summer must-have on pretty tanned skin with a casual-chic style.

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