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Diamond rings

The diamond rings par excellence are the engagement rings. The famous solitaire, the timeless American wedding ring: the diamond is the stone of marriage. Even if today things are changing and you can also offer a colored stone to your bride, the diamond remains the symbol of love. Why is that? Because in the 50’s the biggest diamond company in the world, De Beers, invented a slogan that will remain in the annals: “A diamond is forever”. A diamond is forever. A diamond is like a marriage, forever. With these four words, De Beers met with incredible success and in 4 years it increased its diamond sales by 55%.

Today, diamond rings have entered many homes. Not only in the form of an engagement ring, but in every type of ring that can exist. Here is Maison Mohs selection.

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31 products


Art deco ring in platinumBague art deco en platine

Art Deco ring with diamonds

Sale price€1.300,00
Engagement 2.40 ct diamond ringEngagement 2.40 ct diamond ring

Engagement 2.40 ct diamond ring

Sale price€9.000,00
bague espagnole du 18e sièclebague iberique XVIIIe siècle

Georgian iberian cluster ring

Sale price€1.700,00
bague solitaire ancienne en orbague solitaire ancienne en or pour mariage

0.25 ct diamond solitaire ring

Sale price€650,00
Diamond platinum man ringArt Deco Diamond 1,39ct platinum ring
white gold diamond ringVintage diamond wedding ring

Vintage diamond swirl ring

Sale price€1.500,00
bague en or et argentBague fleurs diamants

Antique 19th century ring

Sale price€750,00
bague diamants ancienne en orCircular diamond ring

Circular diamond ring

Sale price€1.350,00
Antique dutch wedding ringDutch flower diamond ring

Antique cluster diamond ring

Sale price€1.250,00
bague marguerite diamants sur paillonAntique foiled diamond ring

Antique foiled diamond ring

Sale price€1.100,00
diamond seven sins ring in goldbague 7 péchés mauboussin en or

Mauboussin ring 7 sins of you

Sale price€700,00
bague diamant or blancdiamond cluster ring in gold

Diamond flower ring

Sale price€950,00
Bague trilogie diamant perlesbague moderne diamants et perles en or

Diamond pearl trilogy ring

Sale price€1.300,00
Bague rétro diamantsCircular diamond ring in platinum

Circular diamond ring in platinum

Sale price€1.000,00
Art deco diamond ringbague de mariage en platine

Art Deco circular diamond ring

Sale price€1.000,00
alliance américaine en or diamantsDiamond band eternity ring in gold

Eternity diamond band

Sale price€1.300,00
Art Deco diamond ringWedding ring in platinum

Art Deco diamond ring

Sale price€900,00
bague soltiaire diamant or blancSolitaire diamond 0.70 ct ring

Solitaire diamond 0.70 ct ring

Sale price€2.700,00
art deco style wedding ringbague diamant baguette en or

Art Deco style diamond ring

Sale price€4.200,00
gold navette diamond ringbague marquise vintage en or

Navette diamond ring

Sale price€880,00
diamond wedding ring in platinumdiamond platinum wedding ring

Antique diamond wedding ring

Sale price€500,00
bague bandeau diamantsbague diamant en or

Vintage diamond band ring

Sale price€750,00
bague serpent ancienne en ordiamond gold snake ring

Victorian double snake ring

Sale price€1.300,00
bague solitaire ancienne diamantsolitaire diamond ring in gold

Antique solitaire diamond ring

Sale price€460,00
Art Deco style diamond ringbague Art Deco fiançailles

Art Deco style diamond ring

Sale price€1.680,00
bague de mariage en or blanc et diamants taille en rosevintage diamond cluster ring in white gold rose cut diamonds

Diamond flower ring

Sale price€830,00
bague marquise diamantBelle epoque marquise ring

Marquise diamond ring

Sale price€990,00
fancy brown diamond ring for a weddingbague solitaire diamant

Fancy brown diamond ring

Sale price€1.900,00
marquise belle epoque ring gold 18kantique diamond scroll ring gold

Belle Epoque diamond ring

Sale price€1.830,00
bague solitaire diamantbague de fiançailles diamant ancien

Solitaire diamond ring

Sale price€500,00
bague art deco or blanc BoivinArt deco diamond ring in white gold

Art Deco diamond ring

Sale price€1.360,00